Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mark Stone Boot Camp Graduation - San Diego December 1980

 Dave Simms & David Carey picking me up in San Juan Capistrano heading down to San Diego.

 Me sightseeing in San Diego.

 Dave Simms & Me on the beautiful beaches of San Diego.

  Dave Simms & Me in beautiful San Diego.

David Carey & Dave Simms on the way outta San Diego.

 United States Navy Man Mark Stone.
Mark Stone & Lisa Drucker 

Mark Stone Boot Camp Graduation 
 San Diego 
December 1980

Black Sunrise broke up after Mark Stone joined the Navy. In December 1980 Dave & Dave picked me up in San Juan Capistrano where I recently moved and went down to San Diego to watch Mark graduate from boot camp.  I mainly remember about the graduation a bunch of  guys who all looked alike and 

marching about then lots of standing at attention and a guy here and there would faint and fall on the ground. 
Later on got a room and hung out with Mark. It was a blast hanging out. Then Dave, Dave and me checked out San Diego for awhile. I remember it being quite fun and smoking alot of dirt weed. 

Dave Carey and Dave Simms saved us from getting bored with Tom Foolery and Anxietea. 

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